Buy Symbicort online

Product Description

Symbicort is a medication for bronchial asthma. Medical practitioners consider that it is one of the best means of bronchodilators because of the unique composition of the drug. Symbicort has two active ingredients: formoterol and budesonide. These drugs are different, but because of their special properties, it is possible to use a combination of more effective treatments for asthma.

Formoterol neutralize β2-adrenergic receptors and has a fast therapeutic effect and is perfect for relief of bronchial asthma attacks. Symbicort relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi in 2-3 minutes after taking. One dose ensures protection against bronchospasm during 12 hours.

Budesonide (glucocorticoid) has anti-inflammatory effect, which is active within 2-3 hours after inhalation. It is Suitable for long-term suppression of symptoms of asthma, reducing the severity of symptoms and the frequency of exacerbations; the medication neutralizes mucosal edema and reduces the production of mucus.

Despite the fact that the budesonide is glucocorticoid, it is safe and almost does not cause adverse reactions. This is due to the inhalation dosage form of Symbicort.

Symbicort therapeutic effect is dose-dependent. The higher the dosage, the more active ingredients will be active. However, do not exceed the allowable dosage, as this will lead to an overdose and possible response of an organism, including allergic reactions and acute bronchospasm.

If the patient faces the problem that conventional glucocorticoids or other means against chronic lung diseases are ineffective, it is strongly recommend buying Symbicort inhaler for complex influence on the cause of the disease and improving symptoms.

Buy Symbicort Online

Indications for use

  • Supporting treatment of bronchial asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


  • Take Symbicort inhalation 2 times a day (morning and before bedtime)
  • Patients over 12 years must have 1-2 inhalations a day (2 doses per day)
  • Children from 6 to 12 years, it is recommended to do 1-2 inhalations 1-2 times a day, and depending on the severity and form of the disease, and response to therapy.
  • Treatment is carried out to improve the symptoms, then, you need an adequate examination by a physician and planning the optimal supporting therapy.
  • In order to ensure maximum penetration of active substances into the lungs Symbicort must be deeply inhaled through a mouthpiece.


  • After each inhalation, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water to reduce the risk of fungal infection.
  • Symbicort is not indicated for Children under 6 years.
  • Symbicort includes glucocorticoid, which can disrupt the development of the fetus; it is not recommended to take this medication to pregnant women.
  • Patients with viral or fungal infections, as well as pulmonary tuberculosis, can take the medicine only after consulting a doctor and adjusting the dose.

Possible side effects

  • CNS: headache, agitation, anxiety, nausea, dizziness.
  • The respiratory system: candidiasis of the oral mucosa and pharynx, lung irritation in the throat, coughing, hoarseness.

When using this drug in compliance with acceptable dose and precautions, the chance of side effects is reduced. If you wish to buy Symbicort inhaler, but does not know how to take it and what precautions you need to follow consult your doctor or pharmacist.